Immature Artificial Intelligence

The thought of artificial intelligence in the Freehold series is that Emma is a real person, not a programmable personality.  Emma must grow through experiences instead of being pre-programmed with a set way of thinking and feeling.   Part of this series is enjoying the growth of Emma as a little girl who is mischievous and non-military to a mature and helpful crew member of the Petrel.  She has John's number and knows how to make him mad.  She is inquisitive and always after more information in a quest to become human.  Emma's problem is the lack of experiences by having her sensory inputs controlled by the structure that maintains her essence.  A question that can be asked is will an artificial intelligence be immortal as long as the container of their essence survives?  What power would this give the artificial intelligence and what is the weakness.  By cutting off the sensory input to the outside world, an artificial intelligence is deaf, blind and dumb.  Emma is a possible medium to create another series and a continuation after the people around her pass off the scene due to age.


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