A little about Lieutenant Commander Wolfe.

Lieutenant Wolfe works for Freehold Intelligence.  His record is marred by the lost his team during the start of book 1 "Escape from Freehold".  He is given an easy mission afterwards to transport scientists.  The mission gives Wolfe a chance to evaluate what happened.  He gets thrown into a situation that urgency forces him into action, putting his loss on the back burner.  He is growing through his new challenges and is starting to become tired of the deaths caused by his past and the current deaths that is happening all around him.  He knows that he must take care of an enemy that he hates.  Wolfe becomes a babysitter for a drunken Praetorian (intelligent enemy reptile).  Wolfe and the alien have a lot in common.  Wolfe must work around his feelings if humans are to have a chance for survival.  The idea is what would happen if a person could overcome his or her rigid feelings for an enemy and empty themselves to the point that they can place themselves in their enemy shoes so that they have compassion?  It is an interesting thought.


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